Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 33 - No work on weekends?

We were disappointed that our framers did not work on Saturday. Since the framers across the state are at least a week behind schedule, we thought for sure they'd work the weekend. :( No progress this weekend. I'm guessing if they weren't there on Saturday, they won't be there on Sunday.


  1. Many work on Saturday, some work on Sunday too. We have seen them work at all hours up to close to 9PM and start before 7AM. It just depends on the trades and tasks and how busy they are.

  2. I know it has to be frustrating. I stopped by my house today and no one was working, it was one of the first days I had seen it empty. Don't worry though, they will get that thing framed up in an instant!!

  3. As kellie said, they are pretty quick once they start! There is no consistency in their schedule, sometimes they work all weekends, and many time they don't. I think they have a different schedule by projects, that we can't understand!
